May 13, 2010

Day 6: Jamestown, VA (May 10)


So here I am in Jamestown VA, the “starting place” of VA (c 1607). It’s actually quite interesting – a lot of excavation has happened just around 1994, so the facilities are quite new here. I’m traveling alone today, which probably isn’t the best idea since I’ve already had somewhat of a “sick” bike. Nothing too serious, just some loose nuts and bolts; you know, those things that hold things together. My roommate, James, the 68 year old Episcopalian priest, lost his pedal yesterday! He’s the only one riding on a recombant bike, “re-bike” for short. The rest of the company is a great mix; the 5 young’uns: Amber, Bryan, Joe, Will & I → the Foreigners: Lee (UK), Mort (Nor), Ray and Mike (Can), Olaf (Ger) and the older Americans: Meg, Randy, Bill, James, Rob, Jack (the group leader). I’m super excited, my legs are feeling great and I’m happy I brought so little. If you talk to Christina, tell her, gently, that I can’t use her travel book because it’s too pretty and difficult to write in. Trivia: John Smith was only in Jamestown 2 years and he was arrested for mutiny on the ride over, and something else on the ride home.


PS: Had a drink yesterday.

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