June 3, 2010

Makers Mark

So we're not going through Lexington; Berea is 40 miles south of there, but we did stop at the Makers Mark distillery. Apparently the...malt and use it to power 50% of their distillery. Also, we tasted bourbon BBQ pork and bourbon cookies. Awesome!

Marion, KY

Just crossed into Illinois! Will and I crossed the Ohio River into Cave-in-the-Rock, apparently where pirates used hide and wait for boats to go by the main river, then attack trade vessels. I was just thinking about how awesome it must've been to be a pirate; or even just live in the time of pirates --> I wonder if people would wait for bikers to travel and steal their fancy bikes.


Caption for the photo reads: Old barn build by A.L Brantley and songs in 1935 in Repton community in Crittenden County, KY. Photo by: Sheila Truitt

Additional note:
I talked to Paul last night, and he seems to be doing really well! He has a new goal of trying to consume at least one chocolate milkshake every day. So far, he's succeeding. He asked me to post the log-on information for the blog so that if anyone else receives postcards or other correspondence from him, they can share it on here. For those of us who are lacking a scanner and would still like to post the pictures from the postcards, Paul suggested using a digital camera to take a picture of the postcard and then uploading it.
Username: bikerudwick
Password: rudwickbike