July 19, 2010

Behind the times, we apologize...

(In the order which they arrived, the first two while we were away:)
Marshfield, MO
J Shells,
How do you like the size of this "postcard"? Will and I were exhausted from biking through the night -- don't worry, he has super-powered mountain bike lights; and after being 6 miles down the road had to go back for his iPhone - classic.
Pawnee Fork, KS
Jelly Cakes,
I'm sure you've been amused by my attempt to only eat "quality" foods in the past year or so, specifically regarding things like fries, beer, meat, & ketchup. I used to be a Heinz-hater, and not because I'm a fastidious republican -- however, I would love to have Heinz ketchup instead of the "house recipe" and other brands they serve down here -- even Yuengling is Amazing when compared to Bud lite, Coors, Busch, etc. Happy Cookin'.
Between Cheyenne and Laramie, WY
Jon & Shells,
So I've been hobbling around like an old person the last few days and I happened upon a very experienced chiropractor -- a godsend! A few swift movements and I'm on to greener and healthier pastures! In other news, we passed through the Tetons today; super pretty, although cold! Last night it was well below freezing. Brrr...
And one last text from Paul:
"When they took my pulse at the ER, they were amazed at how low it was: 50!"
My response:
"Why were you at the ER?!?"
(You've probably all heard the story since then, glad he's alright, of course.)