July 22, 2010

Kooskia, ID 7/21 and Missoula, MT 7/18 update

Paul called on Sunday 7/18 from Missoula, MT - a big town of 65,000 for this part of the trip. Pretty sophisticated he said with U of MT here [15,000 students]. Tom and he talked, since I was headed out.

He called me back on Wed and we caught up. He was in Kooskia, ID riding through the Lochsa River valley - mostly downhill between two beautiful, big mountain ranges. Kooskia was a big town of 800 - sounds like they are riding through villages and crossroads. He was headed to Grangeville, ID. 13 days to go - now 12.

Paul said his back is healed - although he can make it twinge with a certain twist. He is feeling great.
