July 4, 2010

7-3-10 Lander WY

I received a call from Paul 7-3-10. Paul has a sore back muscle and needs to take it easy for a couple of days.
He called me as he was waiting to see the Doctor in Lander WY. After an intense ride on 7/2 [he said 50 mph winds the last 10 miles of a 57 mile trip], he was ok but not great Saturday morning. He went out for a leisurely breakfast at a local cafe. When he got up to leave, his back was killing him - he could barely walk and definitely couldn't get on a bike. He decided to try to hitch hike but after a short try, he went back to cafe to see if anyone was headed in his direction who was eating breakfast. A pickup truck owner was headed exactly to Lander and was glad to give Paul a ride to his next camp site. The camp site director then gave him a ride to the local ER. Doctor gave him some muscle relaxants.
Fortunately the group had planned to take the day off today, 7-4 so he is hoping to ride the planned route on Monday, 7/5 with the group.

People have been extremely helpful. I told him to take care.