May 10, 2010

Day 3: May 7th Malvern hill Battelfield Park

Allan & Annie:
I thought you'd like this cool Civil War Postcard from one of the Many battle sites i've seen. This battle was decisive in the 7-days battles (1862). Anyways its all going well here; we have a short day (30 miles). I took a quick stop at the mechanic's in Mechanicsburg, VA to fixe a loose free-hub (I didn't know what this was prior to trip). We arrived @ campsite around 1 and have been hanging around enjoying the weather, great company. Jack, troop leader says we should be on fir Aug 1st or 2nd to arrive in Eugene. Looking forward to good Beer. We've been drinking Yuengling and Blue Ribbon. Prost, Love, Paul.

Also- I talked with Paul yesterday (sunday). He was on an off-day in Charlottesville, VA hanging out with the Cousins (Danny, Isaac, Jimmy) McBride. His bike is way faster than everyone else's. He was pretty pumped for the Appalachian Mountains coming soon.