June 2, 2010

"Amish farms add an old-fashioned beauty to our community."

J and Shells,

So, apparently, the Amish live in KY - most in the group were baffled of my intimate knowledge of their ways. We stayed in a Baptist gym last night and I ate at the Marion Cafe, home to delicious homemade lemon meringue pie and the best something-something ["milkshakes" maybe? Sorry, USPS stamped over that word.] of the trip so far (yes, I ordered both).


*An aside from the addressees: To the actual photographer of our post card, Sheila Truitt, you're not supposed to take pictures of the Amish. They're against that, but it does make for a good quote (see title) and the look of rural coziness. Photo is from Marion, KY, as was the post card.


  1. Did Sheila notice the rutts in the roads from the buggies?? The 5 Amish children riding bicycles abreast in a lane of traffic!? Or the wonderful addition of manure smell to the air? I suppose that qualifies as "old-fashioned beauty".

    I love the amish, I really do.

  2. I love that this is a completely ridiculous picture. This in no way captures any bit of beauty, unless you count the bright orange reflectors....seriously, though, where did Sheila take photography lessons!? (I hope she knows that we're all on a first-name basis with her now.) You can't even see the horse in the picture!! Absurd.

  3. Paul....Uncle Chris reading your blog...I'm in rochester, NY -my plane was canceled, so i'm a later plane back to Detroit..sounds like the bike ride is more fun. Aunt Ellen / I went approx 20 miles on Sunday on our trail bikes..early in the a.m. to beat the heat. I expect Kentucky is a little hotter and a little more humid...take care and keep the blog going. enjoyed your photo of the Amish...quite a few communities in Ohio and Michigan and Indiana as well...cheers.
