July 1, 2010

Phone call 6/27/10

I spoke to Paul on Sunday 6/27/10. He had just been at Breckenridge -- his blog 6/26 updated his activities. The group sounds like they are doing well. Their leader, Jack, is ready to bicycle full time starting this week. [Paul did update me re: Jack's fitness - he has done more than 100 marathons, including several iron men. Jack was planning to take a break next week July 4th and do a marathon. Jack has had to defer.]

Paul was interested in what was happening here at home.

He is noticing the altitude - had been @ 11,500 ft @ Hoosier Pass on Sat 6/26 [highest point of entire trip]. They will be traveling mostly northwest, headed towards Yellow Stone as their next really big destination. Weather has been good, high in the 70's, cool at night. He is enjoying his new air mattress. Bike is holding up well.

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