July 1, 2010

Phone call 7/1/10

Update 7/1 Saratoga, WY
Paul called for a care package to be sent to him in Jackson Hole 7/7. He particularly wants a certain bungee cord and some homemade cookies. They have been in WY for a few days, currently @ 8,000 ft. He hopes to make it to Saratoga's Hot Springs before they leave town.

He is talking about doing a 1/2 marathon with a friend over July 4th - he says he has never been in as good shape as he is now so is going to try without any running training but he calls a 40 mile bike ride a short day.

I did ask him about the forest fire near the Royal Bridge - he seemed slightly aware of it but thought it was no big deal. He said every town has a fire risk posted - most all have been 'low'.

Tom and I had talked about the tight schedule Paul is allowing for finding housing at VT-Blacksburg campus [returning 8/15 to Falls Church,VA with classes starting in Blacksburg, VA 8/23]. I mentioned it to Paul - he says he could just hang out in his tent for a few days if nothing turns up [I had to laugh hard at that idea]. He is sure it will all work out.

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