July 30, 2010

Lewis & Clark

John, Pete, Grandma-
We've been travelling adjacent to the lewis & clark trail for hundreds of miles into idaho and through Montana. Its sort of amazing to think that people were doing this trek w/o a Bicycle!

Love, Paul

ps- Paul is in Oregon now! I'll be seeing him a week from yesterday in Beervana

July 22, 2010

Kooskia, ID 7/21 and Missoula, MT 7/18 update

Paul called on Sunday 7/18 from Missoula, MT - a big town of 65,000 for this part of the trip. Pretty sophisticated he said with U of MT here [15,000 students]. Tom and he talked, since I was headed out.

He called me back on Wed and we caught up. He was in Kooskia, ID riding through the Lochsa River valley - mostly downhill between two beautiful, big mountain ranges. Kooskia was a big town of 800 - sounds like they are riding through villages and crossroads. He was headed to Grangeville, ID. 13 days to go - now 12.

Paul said his back is healed - although he can make it twinge with a certain twist. He is feeling great.


July 21, 2010

Nick, since I know how much you like bison, i hope you'll enjoy this card. There are tons of cyclists and motorcyclists alike out here - great place for a road trip. Cheers, Paul.

Thanks for the card Paul. I recorded it, but promptly handed it over to Danielle for her bulletin board. They really appreciate the Missouri card too as they didn't have it. Thanks again, and give me a call some time.
-Nick Georgas

July 19, 2010

Behind the times, we apologize...

(In the order which they arrived, the first two while we were away:)
Marshfield, MO
J Shells,
How do you like the size of this "postcard"? Will and I were exhausted from biking through the night -- don't worry, he has super-powered mountain bike lights; and after being 6 miles down the road had to go back for his iPhone - classic.
Pawnee Fork, KS
Jelly Cakes,
I'm sure you've been amused by my attempt to only eat "quality" foods in the past year or so, specifically regarding things like fries, beer, meat, & ketchup. I used to be a Heinz-hater, and not because I'm a fastidious republican -- however, I would love to have Heinz ketchup instead of the "house recipe" and other brands they serve down here -- even Yuengling is Amazing when compared to Bud lite, Coors, Busch, etc. Happy Cookin'.
Between Cheyenne and Laramie, WY
Jon & Shells,
So I've been hobbling around like an old person the last few days and I happened upon a very experienced chiropractor -- a godsend! A few swift movements and I'm on to greener and healthier pastures! In other news, we passed through the Tetons today; super pretty, although cold! Last night it was well below freezing. Brrr...
And one last text from Paul:
"When they took my pulse at the ER, they were amazed at how low it was: 50!"
My response:
"Why were you at the ER?!?"
(You've probably all heard the story since then, glad he's alright, of course.)

July 4, 2010

7-3-10 Lander WY

I received a call from Paul 7-3-10. Paul has a sore back muscle and needs to take it easy for a couple of days.
He called me as he was waiting to see the Doctor in Lander WY. After an intense ride on 7/2 [he said 50 mph winds the last 10 miles of a 57 mile trip], he was ok but not great Saturday morning. He went out for a leisurely breakfast at a local cafe. When he got up to leave, his back was killing him - he could barely walk and definitely couldn't get on a bike. He decided to try to hitch hike but after a short try, he went back to cafe to see if anyone was headed in his direction who was eating breakfast. A pickup truck owner was headed exactly to Lander and was glad to give Paul a ride to his next camp site. The camp site director then gave him a ride to the local ER. Doctor gave him some muscle relaxants.
Fortunately the group had planned to take the day off today, 7-4 so he is hoping to ride the planned route on Monday, 7/5 with the group.

People have been extremely helpful. I told him to take care.

July 1, 2010

Phone call 7/1/10

Update 7/1 Saratoga, WY
Paul called for a care package to be sent to him in Jackson Hole 7/7. He particularly wants a certain bungee cord and some homemade cookies. They have been in WY for a few days, currently @ 8,000 ft. He hopes to make it to Saratoga's Hot Springs before they leave town.

He is talking about doing a 1/2 marathon with a friend over July 4th - he says he has never been in as good shape as he is now so is going to try without any running training but he calls a 40 mile bike ride a short day.

I did ask him about the forest fire near the Royal Bridge - he seemed slightly aware of it but thought it was no big deal. He said every town has a fire risk posted - most all have been 'low'.

Tom and I had talked about the tight schedule Paul is allowing for finding housing at VT-Blacksburg campus [returning 8/15 to Falls Church,VA with classes starting in Blacksburg, VA 8/23]. I mentioned it to Paul - he says he could just hang out in his tent for a few days if nothing turns up [I had to laugh hard at that idea]. He is sure it will all work out.

Phone call 6/27/10

I spoke to Paul on Sunday 6/27/10. He had just been at Breckenridge -- his blog 6/26 updated his activities. The group sounds like they are doing well. Their leader, Jack, is ready to bicycle full time starting this week. [Paul did update me re: Jack's fitness - he has done more than 100 marathons, including several iron men. Jack was planning to take a break next week July 4th and do a marathon. Jack has had to defer.]

Paul was interested in what was happening here at home.

He is noticing the altitude - had been @ 11,500 ft @ Hoosier Pass on Sat 6/26 [highest point of entire trip]. They will be traveling mostly northwest, headed towards Yellow Stone as their next really big destination. Weather has been good, high in the 70's, cool at night. He is enjoying his new air mattress. Bike is holding up well.